Tim Gerhardt was inducted as the 16/17 president of the Rotary Club of Schaumburg A.M. during the club’s June 28 Awards Dinner and installation of officers held at Schaumburg’s Chicago Prime Italian restaurant.
Rotary District 6440 Governor Nominee Julie Clark installed Gerhardt, who is president of Schaumburg based Allpoints Inc, a single source HVAC building services provider focusing on commercial, industrial and institutional facilities, along with his incoming Board of Directors.
Schaumburg A.M. Rotary president Tim Gerhardt & Rotary Dist 6440 Governor Nominee Julie Clark
Gerhardt, who resides in Schaumburg, serves on the Board of Directors of the Alfred Campanelli YMCA and is a member of the Schaumburg Business Development Commission. In addition, he volunteered his time, talent and business expertise in support of the Small Business Entrepreneurship/Incubator program that was launched in all Dist. 211 high schools during the 15/16 school year.  
Paul & Judy Hennip were named 15/16 Rotarians of the Year by outgoing president Brian Bieschke.  Both Paul & Judy, who are retiring from Rotary after many decades of membership between the two of them, shared a passion for service and the desire to make a difference in the lives of others both at home and around the world.  They were first members of the Rotary Club of McHenry followed later by the Rotary Club of Schaumburg A.M. after relocating to this area. Both are past club presidents of Schaumburg A.M. Rotary and have served in numerous club leadership positions during their tenure.  Most recently Judy served as club treasurer and Paul as president of the club’s foundation.
Bieschke also presented presidential appreciation awards to Bill Matthews, secretary/treasurer, and Sharon Perry, public image chair and website coordinator, for their work on behalf of the club and support during his year as president.